Thursday, November 20, 2014

$0.99 Sale Revving Up!

Now on Sale at $0.99.

“My husband is preparing to leave Bouillon and join the army of Godefroi de Bouillon on their march to the Holy Land. I am begging him not to leave us.”
“When you use the term us, who are you referring to?”
“Our three children and me, and many of our relatives in Bouillon.”
“What is your name?”
“Marie de Bouillon.”
“What is your husband’s name?”
“Henri de Bouillon?”
“What are the names of your children?”
“Cecile, Rene, and Angelique.”
“Who is Godefroi de Bouillon?”
“The Duke of Lower Lorraine.”
“Why is this army going to the Holy Land?”
“Pope Urban II wants us to take back Jerusalem from the Muslims.”
“What year is it?”
“Please move along in time to the point where Henri leaves to join with Godefroi de Bouillon and his army, and tell me if Henri does in fact leave with them?”
“Yes, he left us to join the army.”
“Please move along further in time and tell me if Henri ever returns to you and your children?”

Excerpt from Chapter 9 of Soul Connections, Book IV of the Dacque Chronicles.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

$0.99 Sale!!

Now on Sale for $0.99.

“Have you ever heard the name, Annabel Sweeney?”
Jane pondered the name for a short while and suddenly her face assumed a horrified expression. “I think that is the name of one of the A.C.H.’s ghosts. Oh my Lord! Don’t tell me you were sent to A.C.H. to find a ghost?” she screamed.
Dacque closed his eyes and nodded his head up and down. After a seemingly prolonged period of silence, he opened his eyes and looked at Jane. She was smiling.
“You know something mister hard-to-figure-out.  If anyone else told me that story, I would never have believed it, but after all that I have found out about you over the past ten days or so, I think I actually believe you.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“So, have you found your ghost?”
“Actually, Ricky did.”
“Ricky!” Jane exclaimed. “Now you have definitely lost me.”
“It has been discovered, by researchers who have accumulated accounts of contacts with spirits, that children up to six or so are way more likely to see spirits than most other individuals. There is an explanation for that, but I don’t think you are quite ready to hear that one, yet. Let me just say that many parents tell others about their children having imaginary friends and they joyfully let these children go on pretending, thinking nothing of it. The truth is, at least in some of the cases, that the children’s friends are not imaginary at all but are the spirits of deceased children, or in apparently rare cases, spirits who, for some particular reason, wish to appear as children, to this child. Remember I told you that when I saw my wife’s spirit in her chair, she looked younger and healthier than when she passed away?”
“Yes, I remember.”
“Apparently, spirits are able to appear to us looking like any of their previous incarnations and at any age from all of those earlier incarnations. Because our subconscious memory, or soul memory, remembers every action, word or thought from all of its incarnations, the spirit has, I guess, thousands of options for its appearance. Having said that, I do not believe that is the case with the spirit of Annabel Sweeney. I believe that Annabel’s spirit is what we call an earth-bound spirit, or one which was not able to make the proper transition to the other side.”

Excerpt form Chapter 23 of Soul Rescue, Book II of the Dacque Chronicles.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Soul Awakening

Opting for the Circular Path, Dacque noticed a woman on a bench to his right, with her face in her hands. As he shortened the distance between them, he could hear her sobbing, but decided that it was most-appropriate that he discreetly walk on by, pretending to ignore her. Fat chance! In his head, as clear as if it were spoken in his ear by some invisible elf perched on his shoulder, he heard, “Oh no you don’t! Get back there!”

Dacque commenced an immediate U-turn, without signaling, and was fortunate that he had no tail-gaiting foot-traffic to wreck-havoc for. Backtracking to the woman on the bench, he stood in front of her for a long moment. When it became obvious that she was unaware of his presence, Dacque slowly approached the bench and settled in beside her. “Are you okay, Miss?”

The woman lifted her face from her hands, obviously startled, and Dacque immediately noticed the blood-shot eyes and tears trickling down her cheeks. “I’m just wonderful!” she blurted out sarcastically, “Please leave me alone.”

“I can’t do that! God told me to help you!”

The young woman glared at Dacque, open-mouthed. “What did you just say?”

“God ...... told ...... me ...... to ...... help ...... you!”

The two of them silently sat there, sharing a park bench on a quiet spring morning, and stared into each other’s eyes.

Finally, the young woman wiped the tears from her cheeks and said softly, “Say that one more time so that I’m perfectly clear as to what I think I am hearing.”

“God told me to help you. He occasionally leads me to people who need His help.”

The staring session resumed. Eventually, Dacque could detect the faintest smile beginning to appear at the edges of the young woman’s makeup-less lips. “I am certainly not prepared to believe anything that you are telling me, and fortunately for you, you do not appear to be a dangerous character, so I will give you an opportunity to convince me that you are not an escapee from the loony-bin.”

“Fair enough! I accept the challenge!” Dacque replied. “As I walked by, I noticed you with your face in your hands, and then heard your sobs, but I kept on walking. Then, I heard, as clear as
I hear you now, ‘Oh no you don’t! Get back there!’”

“And that’s how God speaks to you?”

“At times, especially if I am ignoring His previous instructions. I knew, from previous experience, that I was directed here today for a specific purpose, and when I saw you in distress I suspected that you were the reason I was led here, yet I chose to walk on by. Now and then, God also pays me visits when I am asleep or in a semiconscious state. I can’t swear to you that it is God. It is still difficult for me to believe that God would actually bother to deal with me directly. It could be an Angel or one of God’s other helpers. The instructions I receive always involve performing good deeds, never anything evil.”

Excerpt from Chapter 2 of Soul Awakening, Book I of the Dacque Chronicles. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Pentecost Where Peter Spoke in Tongues

In those activities then that followed the Crucifixion, and the days of the Pentecost, and the sermon or teachings - and when there was beheld by Lucius the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, when Peter spoke in tongues - or as he spoke in his OWN tongue, it, the message was HEARD by those of EVERY nation in their OWN tongue - this so impressed Lucius that there came a rededicating, and the determination within self to become the closer associated, the closer affiliated with the Disciples or Apostles.

Excerpt from Chapter 32 of The Soul of Jesus, Amazon USA #1 bestseller as of March 10, 2014.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

12000 Year Old Skeleton, with DNA, Found in Mexican Underground Cave

Skeleton of teenage girl helps determine ancestral origins of  Native Americans.

Monday, May 5, 2014

What Do We Learn when Dining with Someone?

Then as they sat at meat, as He brake the bread (that represents His broken body), there came the knowledge that they spoke with the Master. Hence an experience which may draw this very near to the entity in the present: How oft in thine experience has there come to thy inmost knowledge the REAL, REAL purpose of individuals as ye broke bread with them! Not that this then becomes as an omen. It is a REALITY; for ye broke bread with LIFE itself! And as it represents the staff of life, as it represents His body, how MUCH, how oft, how great is the influence in thine experience of those ye break bread with!

Excerpt from Chapter 31 of The Soul of Jesus, Amazon USA #1 bestseller as of March 10, 2014.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

When the Soul Departs from a Body

For as indicated when the soul departs from a body (this is not being spoken of the Christ, you see), it has all of the form of the body from which it has passed - yet it is not visible to the carnal mind unless that mind has been, and is, attuned to the infinite. Then it appears, in the infinite, as that which may be handled, with all the attributes of the physical being; with the appetites, until these have been accorded to a unit of activity with universal consciousness.
Just as it was with the Christ-body: ‘Children, have ye anything here to eat?’ This indicated to the disciples and the Apostles present that this was not transmutation, but a regeneration, recreation of the atoms and cells of body that might, through desire, masticate material things - fish and honey (in the honeycomb) were given. As also indicated later, when He stood by the sea and the disciples and Apostles who saw Him from the distance could not, in the early morning light, discern - but when He spoke, the voice made the impression upon the mind of the beloved disciple [DS: John] such that he spoke, ‘It is the Lord!’ The body had prepared fire upon the earth - fire, water, the elements that make for creation. For as the spirit is the beginning, water combined of elements is the mother of creation. Not transmutation of flesh but creation, in the pattern indicated. Just as when there are those various realms about the solar system in which each entity may find itself when absent from the body, it takes on in those other realms not an earthly form but a pattern - conforming to the same dimensional elements of that individual planet or space.

Excerpt from Chapter 30 of The Soul of Jesus, Amazon USA #1 bestseller as of March 10, 2014.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Transmutation of the Body of the Christ

There is no mystery to the transmutation of the body of the Christ. For having attained in the physical consciousness the at-onement with the Father-Mother-God, the completeness was such that with the disintegration of the body - as indicated in the manner in which the shroud, the robe, the napkin lay - there was then the taking of the body-physical form.
This was the manner. It was not a transmutation, as of changing from one to another. Just as indicated in the manner in which the body-physical entered the Upper Room with the doors closed, not by being a part of the wood through which the body passed, but by forming from the ether waves that were within the room, because of a meeting prepared by faith. For as had been given, ‘Tarry ye in Jerusalem - in the upper chamber - until YE be endued with power from on high.’ As indicated in the spoken word to Mary in the garden, ‘Touch me not, for I have not yet ascended to my Father.’ The body (flesh) that formed that seen by the normal or carnal eye of Mary was such that it could not be handled until there had been the conscious union with the sources of all power, of all force. But afterward - when there had been the first, second, third, fourth and even the sixth meeting - He THEN said: ‘Put forth thy hand and touch the nail prints in my hands, in my feet. Thrust thy hand into my side and BELIEVE.’ This indicated the transformation.

Excerpt from Chapter 30 of The Soul of Jesus, Amazon USA #1 bestseller as of March 10, 2014.

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Jesus' Crown of Thorns

At the end of the trial before Pontius Pilate, when the Jewish mob demanded that Barabbas be released and Jesus be crucified, the Roman soldiers removed Jesus' one-piece robe that had been woven by Martha, the wife of Nicodemus, and dressed Jesus in a scarlet robe and a crown of thorns to degrade the King of the Jews. See Matthew 27:28-31, and Mark 15:17-20.

Excerpt from Chapter 28 of The Soul of Jesus, Amazon USA #1 bestseller as of March 10, 2014.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Heart-Warming Book Review for The Soul of Jesus

Thank you, aro, for a most heart-warming book review of The Soul of Jesus.

Magnificently mystifying, February 12, 2014
By aro (USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Soul of Jesus (Kindle Edition)

Born and raised Catholic, both church and school, the Bible has always held questions and thought-provoking messages. However, Doug Simpson's research has brought to the surface so much I was unaware of that I know it will take more than one read to thoroughly understand some of these concepts. This book is filled with fascinating ideas and possibilities that will provoke and require much more thought and discussion, such as how Mary was eventually chosen to become the Mother of God, and what went into that decision. So many questions are addressed and answered by Mr. Simpson that one has to admire the dedication that went into his research.

Mr. Simpson brings to light the possibilities of reincarnations, of entities, and miracles, well defined and documented. The readings and references of Edgar Cayce I found to be truly inspirational and particularly thought provoking.

The Bible, being an interpretive writing in itself, is clearly challenged in the work of Doug Simpson. I believe "The Soul of Jesus" will raise more questions and discussions than it will answer, and will definitely challenge your intellect and knowledge of the translation of the Bible.

Amazon USA #1 bestseller as of March 10, 2014.

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Story of Jesus Feeding the Five Thousand

Gardan rose early, as was his custom. On the one hand it seemed like just another ordinary working day. But it was not. The entire countryside about Bethsaida had been abuzz with unparalleled excitement ever since the two forerunners had spread the word that this mystery man many referred to as The Messiah, this Jew who could heal the afflicted with a word or a touch, would be passing through this day. Gardan would have loved to join the anticipated throngs who would welcome the man called Jesus, but he could not. Duty called. Gardan busied himself in preparing a good lunch for his son and daughter, who, with his son's friend, were going to join the multitudes and wait for this Man of Miracles to arrive. Gardan could never have imagined that he was preparing the most famous lunch in the history of mankind. Here is their story.

Excerpt from Chapter 19 of The Soul of Jesus, Amazon USA #1 bestseller as of March 10, 2014.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Edithia, Friend of The Virgin Mary

Edithia, after being groomed at Carmel as a potential channel for the birth of Jesus, along with Mary and the ten other maidens, for many years, returned to her parents Inn after the Angelic selection of Mary. She was present at the birth of Jesus, and after witnessing this culmination of the event to which she had dedicated most of her lifetime, and the consecration of Jesus in the temple in Jerusalem, apparently started a new life as the wife of one of the Wise Men. We can only speculate that Edithia may have met her Wise Man first at the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, and again a month later at the gathering of the Essenes in Jerusalem for the consecration of Jesus. It is also possible, maybe probable, that they may have known each other for years as the Wise Men were regular visitors at the Essene monastery on Mount Carmel.

Excerpt from Chapter 11 of The Soul of Jesus.

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Last chance. This $0.99 sale price is almost over.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Soul of Jesus' First Book Review

Thank you Brenda Perlin for the first review of The Soul of Jesus.

The Soul of Jesus! January 20, 2014
By brendaperlin
Format:Kindle Edition |Amazon Verified Purchase

Though this is not my usual subject matter of preference I found myself interested and reeled in by the facts of this story. At times documents seem unrealistic and at other times seem believable. You can make up your own mind but the authentic writings are quite compelling. The author’s language is relaxed and his information is easy to follow. This is an insightful read that I kept reading in hopes of forming my own opinion given the facts laid out as they were.

With an open mind, a reader can walk away considering the possibilities that these concepts are conceivable or not?

"Our souls choose a particular body to reside in, in order to attempt to counter some past negative karma and/or advance its growth towards the desired God-like state. Unfortunately, the conscious minds of most humans have no knowledge of their soul's goals for its current incarnation, and often human willpower intercedes, resulting in no or negative soul growth. Reincarnation readings from Edgar Cayce helped many individuals follow the goals of their souls."

Now on sale for $0.99.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Heart-Warming Review for The Soul of Jesus

Thank you, P.S. Winn, for a definitely heart-warming review of The Soul of Jesus.

Karmic connections!, March 16, 2014

By P.S. Winn
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: The Soul of Jesus (Kindle Edition)

This beautiful book is great for readers of all faiths and beliefs. It tells the story of the souls of Jesus with help from the Bible and Edgar Cayce's wonderful readings. Who doesn't want to learn more about Jesus. Things like the color of his eyes or his robe? These descriptions are sadly lacking in the Bible. A lovely story in itself, but one sadly with much missing in the context. Perhaps some day the whole story will be revealed, until then, Doug Simpson had given us this wonderful book so we can contemplate what it was truly like in the time of Jesus. This book deals with the controversial subject of reincarnation in a scholarly way with a lot of research put in to it. Great job writing and delivering the facts that all should know. Thank you for this interesting work!

Now on sale at $0.99.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Soul of Jesus Was Reviewed on Amazon UK

Thank you Angelbear2384 for a nice 4* review from the UK.

4.0 out of 5 stars Intriguing 10 Mar 2014
By Angelbear2384
Format:Kindle Edition |Amazon Verified Purchase

I found this book very interesting. I have read some of this author’s previous books with small references to "Cayce" so when I heard about this book I was immediately looking forward to reading it. It did not disappoint, Edward Cayce was an amazing person who helped a lot of people with his amazing gift. I recommend this book to anyone who would like to be inspired

Now on sale at $0.99.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Reviewer of The Soul of Jesus says: Captivating and Intriguing Read!

Thank you C. Krauss "Saunders" for your intriguing 5* review of The Soul of Jesus.

Captivating and Intriguing Read!, February 12, 2014
By C. Krauss "Saunders" (Wonderland) - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Soul of Jesus (Paperback)

The Soul of Jesus was a thought provoking read, one that captured my attention throughout the book. Mr. Simpson seems to have done his homework before writing this novel, as it contains a trove of historical and theological information. I personally believe in reincarnation, karma, pre-existence and divine grace. But even if you think you never could believe in reincarnation, Mr. Simpson makes a compelling argument, and his meticulously researched book makes for an interesting read. Plausible or not? You decide. It's definitely worth the read to find out!

Now on sale at $0.99.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Jesus' Not-Quite-Secret Healing

When we read the accounts in the Gospels of the trial of Jesus and His sentencing by Pilate to death on the cross, it becomes rather obvious that Pilate tried his best to rescue Jesus from His destined fate, and that it was ultimately the Jewish Sanhedrin and their vociferous group of supporters that were the primary cause of the crucifixion of Jesus. Pilate had a personal reason to protect Jesus - not too long before that fateful day, Jesus had healed Pilate’s son who was afflicted with epilepsy. Here is that story.

Excerpt from Chapter 23 of The Soul of Jesus.

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Friday, February 28, 2014

The Virgin Mary's new 'Son'

One point caught me totally by surprise as I was organizing this portion of the book - John the Beloved Disciple is mentioned often throughout the Ministry of Jesus but he is usually 'just there' and seldom plays a significant role until the crucifixion when Jesus placed the care of His mother Mary in John's hands.

Excerpt from Chapter 36 of The Soul of Jesus.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Man DID NOT descend from the monkey, but man has evolved, resuscitation, you see, from time to time, time to time, here a little, there a little, line upon line and line and line upon line. In all ages we find this has been the developing - day by day, day by day, or the evolution as we see from those forces as may be manifested by that, that man has made himself the gradual improvement upon the things made by man, yet made to suffice the needs of certain functioning portions of man's will force, as may be manifested by man, but ever remaining that element to supply that need, whether of sustenance or other functions of man's individual needs, as created by man, this becoming then the exponent of the force as his Creator made him, for the World, and the needs and conditions, man's compliance nearer with those laws brings him gradually to that development necessary to meet the needs of the conditions, place or sphere in which that individual is placed.
As in this: The needs of those in the North Country not the same as those in the Torrid region. Hence development comes to meet the needs in the various conditions under which man is placed. He, only using those laws that are ever and ever in existence in the plane, as is given in that of relativity, that being the needs from one relation to another. The theory is, man evolved, or evolution, from first cause in creation, and brings forth to meet the needs of the man, the preparation for the needs of man has gone down many, many thousands and millions of years, as is known in this plane, for the needs of man in the hundreds and thousands of years to come. Man is man, and God's order of creation, which he represents even as His son, who is the representative of the Father, took on the form of Man, the highest of the creation in the plane, and became to man that element that shows and would show and will show the way, the directing way, the Life, the Water, the Vine, to the everlasting, when guided and kept in that manner and form.

Excerpt from Chapter 50 of The Soul of Jesus.

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cynthia Ann's Book Review of The Soul of Jesus.

Thank you Cynthia Ann "Lovin Books" for your kind words and 4* review for The Soul of Jesus.

4.0 out of 5 stars Great information, February 12, 2014
By Cynthia Ann "Lovin Books" (Denver, CO) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: The Soul of Jesus (Paperback)
I started reading this, and I have to say, it is full of great information. A lot of research went into writing this book. A lot of scripture and readings. I would recommend this to everyone I know.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The First Christian Churches

There were those chosen who were entirely of the circumcision. There were those chosen who were of the uncircumcised group, yet were identified with services in various forms, in that which has been adopted by the Samaritan Jews as well as Grecian Jews, who were only part Jews. Some of these facts became the problems (that were unnecessary in their particular activity or for their beliefs) in the teachings of Peter, John and James, who were the chief spokesman during those periods following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.

Excerpt from chapter 32 of The Soul of Jesus

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Authors of the Gospel of Mark

The whole Gospel of Mark was written rather in collaboration with Peter and Barnabas. This, as given, was the first of the WRITTEN words respecting the acts, the life, the deeds of the Master; while it is shorter in words, there is more in body content of the acts than in most of the other writings. It is nearer in accord with that in Matthew, but not an abridged condition or abridged writing; for Matthew was written from the churches in Pamphylia, while Mark wrote from Rome. There had been some distribution, or a portion had been carried to many of the various groups before Mark's was accepted, and before Matthew's was given; for this was written some ten to eighteen years later.

Excerpt from Chapter 48 of The Soul of Jesus.

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Friday, February 14, 2014

A Book Review from Jennifer Loiske for The Soul of Jesus

Thank you Jennifer Loiske for a marvelous 5* book review for The Soul of Jesus.

Engaging read!, February 7, 2014
By Jennifer Loiske (Naantali, Finland) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: The Soul of Jesus (Kindle Edition)

The Soul of Jesus is as far from my usual reads as anything can be, and yet before I noticed I had turned the page after page and was in the middle of the book. The story is well written, engaging and interesting. The author has done a great job with his research, as the story is full of less known facts. I hadn’t heard about Edgar Cayce before and therefore his reincarnation readings made the story even more captivating.

So, if you’re into religious stories, curious about the hidden mysteries of the Bible or simply like to read about the life of Christ this book is definitely for you.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Breaking Bread with Jesus

Then as they sat at meat, as He brake the bread (that represents His broken body), there came the knowledge that they spoke with the Master. Hence an experience which may draw this very near to the entity in the present: How oft in thine experience has there come to thy inmost knowledge the REAL, REAL purpose of individuals as ye broke bread with them! Not that this then becomes as an omen. It is a REALITY; for ye broke bread with LIFE itself! And as it represents the staff of life, as it represents His body, how MUCH, how oft, how great is the influence in thine experience of those ye break bread with!

Excerpt from Chapter 31 of The Soul of Jesus.

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Souls and Man

For as each soul learns, condemning self is condemning the abilities of the Master. As the Master has given, GOD is God of the LIVING - NOT of the dead! For, the dead are separated from the living. As in the earth, so in the spiritual. Dead, or death, is separation. Death in the spiritual, then, is separation from life. Life, then, is God.
The Master, the Christ, manifested life in the earth, through not only the material manifestations that were given in the ministry but in laying aside the life. As He gave, ‘I GIVE my life - I give it of myself, and I take it of myself.’ So, in any attempt to repay - there can be no repay! But when one lives the life that MANIFESTS the Christ life, love, joy, peace, harmony, grace, glory, the JOY is in the life of the Master as He manifests - and manifested - life in the earth.

Excerpt from Chapter 45 of The Soul of Jesus.

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Earth Before the Creation of Man

A brief explanation to this point is probably a wise choice. Try to picture the earth as it is today, and then erase all humans and all things created by humans. Pretty nice, peaceful picture is it not? Of course things have changed over the eons, but that gives you an idea of what the earth looked like before man was created. I have not clearly explained the need for man as of yet. It is complicated. The very, very short version is that wayward souls learned that they had the ability to project themselves into animals, birds, fish, trees, rocks, etc., similar to how souls project themselves into newborns today. This was not part of God's plan, but you might say that these wayward souls found a loophole in God's plan. Amilius was apparently the highest developed soul and/or God's right hand soul. God and/or Amilius came up with the idea that a new creature could be created that was a more suitable habitat for the souls who wanted to experience life as residents on the earth. Enter Adam, but even that story is not as simple as portrayed in the Bible.

Excerpt from Chapter 50 of The Soul of Jesus.

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